how to know if this is for you

  • The feeling of stress and overwhelm is starting to feel like your everyday, all-the-time feeling.

  • If you feel like something is missing and you are living the never-ending journey of sacrificing the “NOW” for the promise of a better tomorrow.    

  • You wake up in the middle of the night and negative thoughts invade you.

  • You are gaining weight and what it used to work to lose those extra pounds is not working anymore.

  • Maybe you are stressed because you are overworked. You put in long hours at work only to come home to do a “second shift” with your family, get dinner ready, and check homework while doing the dishes. You feel exhausted! You know SOMETHING HAS TO CHANGE… but you are not quite sure how to make it happen.    

  • You are dealing with a difficult teen who used to be your sunshine and has turned into a person you don't recognize anymore.

  • Your parents are aging and you have noticed that they “forget things”. Now, what?

    If you notice all these cases relate to STRESS and stress in some cases is good, it can help you focus on something to make it happen, but chronic stress, overwhelm, and anxiety are bad for your health.

    Chronic stress deregulates your hormones, produces inflammation in your body, and makes your brain sick. When your brain gets sick it can be the start of more dangerous diseases like Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, and other metabolic and immune disorders.

    Personality traits of individuals with chronic illness.

  • Always concerned for the well-being and comfort of others, ignoring the self.

  • A strong sense of righteousness for self and others.

  • Repression of healthy anger.

  • Unable to say “NO” because there is a belief that it’s your responsibility to help, it’s your duty like a mother, wife, daughter, or friend.

    Sadly, women tend to confuse all these characteristics with kindness and generosity.

    If any of these describe how you feel, you’ve come to the right place.  It's time for you to make the change you’ve been looking for.